If you are looking for an expert dental practice where your child can receive the very best pediatric dental care, you should visit us at Manor Kids Dentist. Our pediatric dentist, will provide your child with the very finest dental care.
It is now recommended that children come in for their first dental visit with our pediatric dentist when their first baby tooth erupts or when they reach one year of age, whichever occurs first. Even though baby teeth will not last you child for a lifetime, it is important that they remain healthy enough to stay in your child’s mouth for as long as they are needed. This is because baby teeth play several important roles in your child’s mouth including making sure that permanent teeth erupt in the proper place, by acting as place savers for them. Baby teeth also help your child to develop clear speaking habits as well as allow your child to completely chew his or her food for proper digestion. Your child’s teeth will remain healthier if you come in for periodic dental exams for your child, and that your child has regular dental cleanings at our office. We also recommend that your child has periodic fluorite treatments to make sure that teeth have the best chance of remaining cavity-free. We also recommend that children receive dental sealants on the biting surfaces of their premolars and molars.
Dental sealants will act as a physical barrier between teeth and the harmful acids that are formed by plaque and saliva. Dental sealants will also keep these materials from being able to adhere to the teeth that may have many pits and grooves in them. If you would like your child to come in to see our pediatric dentist, contact us today.